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A message from our partners, Médecins Sans Frontières

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Business Outsider

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A message from our partners at Médecins Sans Frontières... 

In order to go where others don't, we need to be innovative.  

Médecins Sans Frontières is the world's leading independent medical humanitarian organisation. Our teams in over 60 countries respond to the urgent medical needs of patients affected by conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics and other medical emergencies.      
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There are many ways in which Médecins Sans Frontières innovates every day in projects all over the world. Here's just one example of how innovative technology can improve the way we provide emergency medical care to people in some of the world's most challenging settings.   

Mobile Unit Surgical Trailer (MUST)
Médecins Sans Frontières has developed the mobile unit surgical trailer to operate as a fully functioning mobile surgical facility that can be deployed rapidly during conflicts and natural disasters.
The unit can be set up in less than a day and is designed so that all the items can be strapped down and stored for quick transportation.  Our teams used the MUST for the first time in Mosul, Iraq, and were able to conduct lifesaving war trauma surgery in hygienic and temperature-controlled conditions.  

"In conflict zones, the need for surgical facilities is very great, but the frontlines can also shift quickly.  Our teams need to be operating close enough to where the people are to be able to treat them in time, but we also need to keep our staff and patients safe, which can mean evacuating if the fighting gets too close." --  
Piotr Hleb-Koszanski, Logistics Manager, Iraq.

Innovation and new technology like this allow us to go where others don't and provide expert medical care to people in need.

Please consider making a donation of $50 today. Your support will ensure that we can continue to provide urgent medical care to people affected by war, natural disasters, epidemics and other medical emergencies.  

Learn more about how you can invest in Médecins Sans Frontières.

Warm regards,
Paul McPhun                
Executive Director
Médecins Sans Frontières Australia 

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